Seldesk Privacy Policy

Published on: 21st March 2024

SELDESK and its affiliates provide services to help you run your business, including a platform to host your own SELDESK database. As part of the execution of these services, we collect data about you and your company. This data is not only essential for the execution of our services, but also essential for the security of our services and all our users.

This policy will explain about the information being collected, why and what are our usage.

Information collected:

Most of your personal data we collect is directly provided by our users At the time of registration and subsequent usage. We also collect data by recording interactions with our services.

We keep records of your communications and interactions with us or with our partners (for example, when you provide feedback, ask questions or seek technical support).

Account and Contact Data: When you register on our website to use or download any of our products, or to subscribe to one of our services (Free Trial, etc.), or fill out one of our contact forms, you voluntarily give us certain information. This usually includes your name, your company name, your e-mail address, and sometimes your telephone number, your mailing address (where an invoice delivery is required), your industry and your interest in SELDESK, as well as a personal password.

The details of all credit / debit cards and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented to third parties.

SELDESK will not pass any debit/credit card details to third parties and will always rely on trusted third-party PCI-DSS-compliant payment processors for credit card / Debit Card processing, including Processing of recurring payments.

SELDESK takes appropriate steps to ensure data privacy and security through various hardware and software methodologies. However, ( cannot guarantee the security of any information that is disclosed online.

SELDESK is not responsible for the privacy policies of the websites to which it refers. If you provide information to such third parties, different rules regarding the collection and use of your personal information may apply. If you have questions about the usage of the information collected, contact these third-party entities directly.

Website policies and its terms and conditions may be modified or updated from time to time to meet prevalent requirements and standards. Therefore, customers are encouraged to check these sections frequently to be aware of any changes made to the website. The changes will come into effect on the day of publication.

Browser Data: When you visit our website and access our online services, we automatically detect and store your browser language ,geo location, statistical data and may or and also your personal data (optional).” May be used, in order to customize your experience according to your country and preferred language. Our servers also passively record a summary of the information sent by your browser, for statistical, security and legal purposes: your IP address, the time and date of your visit, your browser version and platform, as well as the web page that referred you to our website. The information we collect may be maintained or linked with the personal data acquired through other means or received from third parties.

Job Application Data: We will only process this information as part of our hiring process to evaluate and track your application and during the process of preparing your contract if we decide to send you a job proposal. You can contact us at any time to request the deletion of your information.

Customer Database: We only collect and process this data on your behalf in order to perform those services to which you are subscribed, and according to the instructions you have explicitly given when registering or configuring your service and also from your SELDESK database.

When you use the SELDESK Database Upgrade service, your data is automatically deleted after your upgrade is successfully completed. The same may also be deleted on request.

Security retention period: We store a copy of your data in our backups for security reasons, even after they have been destroyed by our live systems. Please refer Data Retention for more details.

Our support staff and engineers may access this information in a limited and reasonable manner in order to resolve any problem with our services, or at your explicit request for assistance, or if the law requires it, or to ensure the security of our services in case of violation of our Acceptable Use Policy in order to keep our services safe.

Accessing, Updating or Deleting Your Personal Information

Account & Contact Data: You have the right to access and update personal data you have previously provided to us. You can do so at any time by connecting to your personal account on If you wish to permanently delete your account or personal information for a legitimate purpose, please contact our Helpdesk to request so. We will take all reasonable steps to permanently delete your personal information, except when we are required to keep it for legal reasons (typically, for administration billing and tax reporting reasons).


We understand the importance and sensitivity of your personal data and we take a number of steps to ensure that this information is securely processed, stored and protected against data loss and unauthorized access. Our technical, administrative and organizational security measures are described in detail in our security policy.

Third Party Service Providers

To support our operations, we rely on several third-party service providers. They help us with various services such as payment processing, web analytics, cloud hosting, marketing communication, and more.

Whenever we share data with these service providers, we make sure that they use them in accordance with Data protection legislation. The processing that they carry out for us is limited to our specific purpose and covered by a specific data processing contract.

Here is a list of the service providers which we currently use, why we use them, and what kind of data we share with them:

Share Data

Shared with Paypal: Order details (amount, description, reference), Customer name and email Only stored by Paypal: credit card info.

Payment processing on
Google LLC
Privacy & Security.

Infrastructure and hosting, DDOS Protection.

Hosted by Amazon Cloud Hosting (AWS): Production data from and its affiliate services, including Customer Databases.

Hosting Services

Hosting Locations: Customer databases are hosted in the SELDESK data Center closest to where they are based: India,USA, Bahrain, UAE, Singapore and UK. Customers can request that their data be moved to one of the other data centers.

Backup Locations: Backups are replicated across multiple continents to meet our disaster recovery goals. They are located in the following countries, regardless of the place of accommodation: India.

International Staff.

In some cases, the personal data mentioned in this Privacy Policy may be accessed by staff members of SELDESK subsidiaries in other countries. This access will always be for the same purpose and with the same measures of protection of privacy and security as if it were done by our own local staff. Therefore, all the guarantees we provide will always remain valid.

Disclosures in compliance with legal obligations

To ensure compliance, with legal obligations, we may be required by law to preserve or disclose your personal information and service data to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, including to meet national security requirements.

Enforcement of our rights

We may disclose personal information and service data to a third party if we believe that such disclosure is necessary for preventing fraud, spam filtering, investigating any suspected illegal activity, enforcing our agreements or policies, or protecting the safety of our users.

Disclosure to third parties

Unless explicitly stated above, we do not sell, trade or transfer your personal data to third parties. We may share or disclose aggregated or de –identified information for research purposes or to discuss trends or statistics with third parties.

International Transfer

As per OUR SELDESK POLICY, we are committed to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and mandatory government standards regarding the protection of Personal Data.

Since we are a global organization, Personal Data and your login information’s including location data collected automatically send to between our offices internationally in the event of registration and subsequent usage may be utilized worldwide in connection with statistical study, employment and various business processes within SELDESK or communicate with our partners and our clients. Therefore, Personal Data may be transferred to other SELDESK entities globally, where it will be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the laws that are applicable in each country where the data is processed. Countries where we process data may have laws which are different and potentially not as protective as the laws of your home country.

By submitting your Personal Data and other information including your login location information during registration and usage of our Sites or SELDESK hosting service, you agree to data transfers, including for storage and processing. At SELDESK we will take all steps necessary to ensure that your Personal Data is securely treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In case if We are required to transfer your Personal Data out of your jurisdiction, we will implement suitable security safeguards and rely on legally provided data transfer mechanisms to lawfully transfer data across borders in order to ensure that your Personal Data is protected.

Business Transfers

In the unlikely event that we sell our business or get acquired or merged. We will notify you via email or through a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or in the uses of your personal information and service data. We will also notify you about any choices you may have regarding your personal information and service data.

External links on our websites

Some of our pages in SELDESK may contain links to websites that are not linked to this Privacy Policy. If you submit your personal information to any of these third-party sites, your personal information is governed by their privacy policies. As a safety measure, we recommend that you not share any personal information with these third parties unless you've checked their privacy policies and assured yourself of their privacy practices.

Cookie Policy

When you access our services there are certain small information files sent by our Cloud servers to your computer or device. They are stored in your browser and then returned to our servers so that we can provide contextual content. We use them to support your activities on our website, such as your session (so you do not have to login again). You can also have an option to disable cookies to prevent your browser from giving us information, but if you do so, certain website features may not work properly.

We also use cookies to help us compile aggregate traffic and site interaction data so that we can offer better experiences and tools in the future. Cookies also helps us understand your preferences based on previous or current activities on our website (the pages you visited), your language and your country, that allows us to provide you with enhanced services.

We also use third-party services, such as Google Analytics, that define and use their own cookies to identify visitors and provide their own contextual services. You can choose to have your computer notify you whenever a cookie is sent, or you can choose to disable all cookies. Each browser is a little different, check your browser's Help menu for the correct way to change your cookie or check out the links below.

Notification of changes (Policy Updates)

We may modify the Privacy Policy from time to time to clarify or comply with legal obligations. "Last updated" text mentioned at the top of the policy indicates the latest revision, which is also the effective date of those changes. Any time if we make significant changes to the Privacy Policy that affect your rights, you will be provided with at least 30 days' advance notice of the new updates by email to your primary email address. However, if you have not verified your email address, you may miss important notifications that we send through email. Please refer our privacy policy for these updates periodically. If you continue to use our services after such a change, you have already agreed to our updated policy. If you think that the updated Privacy Policy affects your rights with respect to your use of our products or services, you may terminate your use by sending us an email within 30 days. Your continued use after the effective date of changes to the Privacy Policy will be deemed to be your agreement to the modified / latest Privacy Policy.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, or any enquiry about your personal data, please reach out to the SELDESK Helpdesk: